
Measles Outbreak in Chicago Grows to Four People


Public health officials confirmed a fourth case of measles at a migrant shelter in Chicago. The infected individuals include two adults and two children. One of the children attends a Chicago elementary school, and the city’s health department recommended that students living in the shelter not attend school this past Friday or Monday to reduce the risk of further spread. Health officials evaluated almost all of the shelter’s residents and administered the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine to over 900 individuals. More than 700 people living in the shelter were confirmed to have existing immunity against the virus from previous vaccination or infection. These individuals were cleared to come and go freely, while those who were newly vaccinated were directed to stay inside the shelter for 3 weeks from the time of vaccination, which is how long it takes for the body to develop full immunity from the vaccine.

“As long as measles circulates in Chicago, we will continue to take a proactive approach to protecting as many people as we can from this highly infectious disease,” said CDPH Commissioner Dr. Olusimbo (Simbo) Ige. “Vaccination remains by far the most effective way to prevent the spread of measles. New arrivals and all Chicagoans should get the MMR vaccine if they haven’t already”.

Full Story: HealthDay


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