
Infectious Disease (ID) Specialists are doctors of internal medicine and expertly trained in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. . Frequently we are asked to evaluate difficult cases referred by both primary care providers but also other specialists where answers have not been found and to look for clues to identify the problem. Most ID specialists are Board Certified in both Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease Medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine. The ID physician has 9-10 years of specialized education and training.

When do I need an ID Specialist

Frequently an ID specialist is asked to see patients who have undiagnosed causes of fever, but we are also asked to see patients with bone infections (osteomyelitis), soft tissue infections, resistant urinary tract infections, infections complicated by antibiotic allergies, Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections (Ehrlichia, Babesia). We are used to utilizing more vigorous and stronger antibiotics when necessary to treat resistant bacteria causing more difficult infections. We may offer OPAT (Outpatient intravenous antibiotic therapy) if necessary to resolve your infection, frequently in our office-based infusion suite under close supervision of our expert staff. Frequently hospitalization can be avoided. We also specialize and expert in treating patients with HIV, Hepatitis C with vast experience in those areas.