
New Skin Patch Could Administer Vaccines Painlessly to Kids, Less Developed Countries

A new skin patch technology could be a game changer for vaccination uptake.

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A new skin patch for administering vaccines showed promise in an early clinical trial. The patch includes microscopic needles which painlessly deliver the vaccine through the skin, a technology that could soon offer an alternative option for children afraid of shots. In the small study of 190 babies in Gambia, the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine was given to children using the skin patch. With a single dose, over 90% of infants developed strong immunity against measles, while 100% of the babies were protected from rubella. “Although it’s early days, these are extremely promising results which have generated a lot of excitement”, said scientist Ed Clarke, head of infant immunology with the Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. “They demonstrate for the first time that vaccines can be safely and effectively given to babies and young children using microarray patch technology”. Besides offering a pain-free method of vaccination, this technology has great potential to connect people in less wealthy countries with vaccines. The device has many potential advantages over traditional vaccination deliver systems; It may be easier to transport, may not require cold storage, and does not have to be administered by a medical professional. Researchers are preparing to launch larger studies they hope will confirm these encouraging results.

Full Story: HealthDay


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