Avian Flu continues to spread in farms and wildlife throughout the US. While Avian flu has already been confirmed in all 50 states, and this week’s reported outbreaks include some troubling “firsts”.
Two Commercial Poultry Farms in Georgia Hit With Avian Flu
For the first time, commercial poultry farms in Georgia has suffered an Avian Flu (bird flu) outbreak. The state’s previous bird flu outbreaks had impacted backyard flocks. This week, state officials reported the first commercial chicken operation to be hit by the virus. Soon after, an outbreak on a second commercial poultry farm was confirmed. Hundreds of thousands of broiler chickens were killed as a result. The increasing spread of bird flu harms the state and country’s agricultural industry, as Georgia is the top producer of broiler chickens in the US. Ongoing outbreaks in egg-laying hens nationwide have caused egg prices to spike to record highs.
The first Avian flu case has been reported in Philadelphia. Health officials announced that a wild snow goose in West Philadelphia was likely infected with the virus after it exhibited unusual neurological symptoms associated with the illness. Preliminary tests were positive for bird flu.